Thursday, May 9, 2019

The 2013 Prediction of Greater Than Normal Rainfall over SE Australia and Flooding in the Brisbane Valley in 2029 (+/- 1 year)

In 2013, I predicted that SE-Australia needed to prepare for hot dry conditions in the summer of 2019 (i.e. the 2018/19 summer) and possible extensive flooding in 2029 (+/- 1 year).

In 2018/19, the SE of Australia had one of its hottest summers and it is currently experiencing one of its most severe droughts.

The Federal Government and BOM (Bureau of Meteorology) have ignored the 2018/19 prediction and they seem to have no interest in understanding why there could be extensive flooding in 2029.

1. Evidence to Support the Prediction of Flooding in the Brisbane Valley in 2029 (+/- 1 year).

Further evidence that the Moon may have an important role in determining the frequency of extreme weather events in Australia is provided in Table 1. This table shows the dates of major floods in the Brisbane River Valley since the Europeans first discovered the region in 1825.

Table 1

Table 1 reveals that the major floods recorded at Brisbane and/or Ipswich are separated by a period of time that is equal to the Lunar Draconic Cycle of 18.6 years. Unfortunately, the general picture is clouded by the fact that there appear to be three parallel sequences of 18.6 years that fade in and out and sometimes there are floods that occur 3 years prior to expected sequence date. 

The 1825 lunar flood sequence is the only one that persists over the 188-year record with the other sequences (i.e. those starting in 1856 and 1889) fading out after only a few cycles. If the 1825 lunar flood sequence continues, we should expect to a significant flooding event in either Brisbane or Ipswich in 2029 (+/- 1 year). 

2. Evidence to Support The Prediction of Above Average Rainfall Over SE Australia in 2029.

Finally, the top of the figure on the front of this submission (shown above) shows a sequence of maps of Australia’s annual rainfall, starting in 2010.5 and going back till 1899 in steps of time that are equivalent to the 18.6-year lunar Draconic cycle. In all but one case (i.e. 1899) the rainfall over south-eastern Australia was significantly above average in these years. If this sequence persists then we should expect greater than normal rain over south-eastern Australia in 2029 (+/- 1 year).


  1. In the table for the 2029? prediction shouldn't that be 1825 + ( 11 x 18.6)? (11 not 10)

  2. Peter,

    Sorry for slow response. Yes you are right. It should be 11 x 18.6 = 204.6 years.
